Arm Strengthening Yoga Sequence

Arm Strengthening Yoga Sequence

Crow pose - this brings strength into your arms and core muscles

Crane pose - this is similar to crow but uses the triceps more as you try to bring the knees into the shoulders

Jump back into chaturanga again to strengthen the arms.

Tripod headstand to crow works a lot on the tricep muscles and the core muscles.

Peacock pose - this strengthens the biceps - you can keep the feet on the ground until you get stronger - you can also start with a block underneath your chin and one underneath your toes.

Peacock in padmasana(lotus pose) - again keep your knees on the ground until you get stronger.

Side crow - this strengthens your core muscles as well as your arms. You work the internal obliques as well as the transverse abdominus for both sides of the body.


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