Yoga Sequence For All Round Strength and Flexibility variation

Yoga Sequence For All Round Strength and Flexibility variation

Start with sun salutations to warm up

Trikonasana - 5 breaths on each side

Also known as triangle pose, trikonasana is very good for opening up the hips.

Parsvakonasana - 5 breaths on each side

Extended Side Angle Yoga Pose-Utthita Parsvakonasana

Also good for the hip flexor muscles.

The two postures below are very good for strengthening the quadracep muscles.

Warrior 1 or Virabadrasana 

Warrior 2 or Virabadrasana 2

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Tree pose

tree yoga pose -vrksasana

This is good for the hips, the core and for balance.


Also called fierce pose, this strengthens the legs.


Opens up the inner thighs.


This posture is also known as fire log pose and helps to open up the hips, the gluteus muscles and also the piriformis muscle. Sit on the floor with the fronts of the legs parallel to the yoga mat, ankle over knee of the opposite foot and feet flexed. Remember the top knee can be raised and also you can straighten out the bottom leg if the knee hurts.

Boat Yoga Pose-Navasana

Is good for the core.

The two postures below are good for opening up the hamstrings.


is also known as head to knee pose. Remember that in order to protect the back, as you breath in straighten the back and as you breath out come forward. Take a strap around the foot or bend the knee to help the back to come to upright if you need to. Repeat this posture on both sides.


is also known as seated forward bend and is similar to janushirasana but with both feet together. Again the back should straighten on the inhalation and a strap or bent knees can be used.


Strengthens the lower back

Bridge Pose - repeat 3 times 

Opens up the whole spine. As you breath in push your sternum towards your chin.

 Shavasana - to relax


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