Ragi Roti

Ragi Roti


  • 1 cup ragi (millet) flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 1 green chili chopped
  • One bunch fresh coriander leaves
  • Rock salt to taste


  1. Add the ragi flour, onions, chilli, cumin powder and rock salt to a bowl. Add water as needed and make a soft dough that is spreadable.
  2. Make 5 equal sized balls. Place a ball of dough on the pan, grease your fingers or moisten them by dipping in a bowl of water. Roll the dough gently into a thin roti with a rolling pin.
  3. Place on the stove and cook covered until you see the color of the roti change to a darker shade. Flip the roti over and cook on the other side too until cooked.
  4. You will need 2 pans or tawas otherwise there will be a waiting time until the tawa cools. To make the next roti either make it on another tawa or wait till the first tawa cools. If you try to make the roti on the hot tawa, it will not spread well.


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