Cinnamon Spiced Black Rice


Cinnamon Spiced Black Rice

By Namit Kathoria


Soaking time: Overnight

Preparation time: 20-25 minutes

Cooking time: 40 minutes


Serves 2-4 portions


1-2 tablespoons olive oil

¼ teaspoon ground black pepper

½ teaspoon sweet paprika

¼ teaspoon Himalayan rock salt

2 cinnamon sticks

2 cloves

1 teaspoon mustard seeds

1 teaspoon coriander seeds

1 cup black rice (not wild rice!) – leave to soak overnight

1 ¼ cup vegetable stock if you are using an Instant Pot / 2 ½ cups vegetable stock for normal pan

2 large ripe tomatoes diced

⅓ cup raisins

4 mushrooms sliced

1 small yellow pepper sliced

1 carrot sliced

1 white onion sliced

5-6 garlic cloves grated

½ inch fresh turmeric grated/ ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder



  1. Soak the black rice in water and leave overnight. Rinse and drain the next day.
  2. Chop the onion, the tomatoes, the mushrooms, the carrot and the yellow pepper. Grate the garlic and the turmeric.
  3. Heat up some of the oil on a medium to high heat (if you are using an Instant Pot use the sauté function) with one piece of the onion. Once it starts to sizzle, add in the rest of the onion and the tomatoes. Cook and stir for 4-5 minutes until the onion becomes translucent and the tomatoes have started to become soft.
  4. Add in the cinnamon stick, the mustard and coriander seeds, the grated garlic, the turmeric and some more olive oil.

Cook for about 30 seconds.

  1. Now add in the paprika, the black pepper and the salt. Cook for about 30 seconds more.


Note for steps 3 to 5 you can deglaze with some water if needed to prevent burning at the bottom of the pan.

  1. Add in the yellow pepper, the carrots and the mushrooms. Cook for about 2 minutes stirring so can they absorb the flavours of the spices.
  2. Now add in the drained rice, the cloves and a little bit more olive oil. Continue to mix through for about 2 minutes until the rice is covered by the spices and the olive oil.
  3. If you are using an Instant Pot, switch off the sauté function now. Add in the vegetable stock and the raisins and stir. Close the lid and set the valve to the seal position. Cook for 18-20 minutes and wait for the natural release to happen. If you are using a normal pan again add in the vegetable stock and the raisins, stir and cook for 35-40 minutes until the rice has absorbed all the water. Check to see if the rice is cooked. Cook for a few minutes more of needed.
  4. Taste and see if you need any more of the seasonings. Fluff up with a fork and serve.


Did you know?

If you soak the black rice overnight the texture becomes a little soggier, so if you prefer a drier texture you can avoid the soaking. The advantage of soaking however is that you decrease the amount of phytates in the black rice. Phytates are antinutrients which inhibit you from absorbing iron. Soaking therefore gives you the advantage of allowing you to absorb more iron.


Black rice is very high in an antioxidant called anthocyanin. This is also present in fruits like blueberries and is potentially very good for preventing diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It potentially could also help to lower LDL cholesterol which is the bad cholesterol which we want to keep low in order to protect the heart and circulatory system.


Where does your protein come from?

It comes from the black rice. All wholegrain rices including black rice are relatively good sources of protein.


To get more inspiration for healthy plant-based recipes please see our new nutrition and recipe book “Life” which is due to come out in 2022.



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